Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter: Bugs in the War Room

Overgaden proudly presents Bugs in the War Room, Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter’s first solo exhibition in Denmark.

Chennai, India, New Year’s Eve 1999. A group of engineers are gathered in a war room where they are on stand-by to deal with the catastrophic, global consequences of the predicted meltdown of every computer system in the world at the turn of the millennium. Fifteen years later, Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter locates the key human and non- human players in this apocalyptic chapter of the digital age.

On the basis of her own knowledge of computer programming, Ritasdatter makes absurd, humorous links between aspects of everyday technology that the general public are rarely aware of. The artist has previously created an open network that automatically deletes all words registered with the Danish Patent and Trademark Office, given performative lectures on the history of the overhead projector, as well as hacking search engines to use spelling mistakes to counter algorithmic censorship.


Installation view. Photo: Anders Sune Berg


66 observations of the sun, Jan 1, 2000, 2016. Overhead projector and transparencies. Photo: Anders Sune Berg


Installation view. Photo: Anders Sune Berg