O—Overgaden is bringing out occasional in-ear material in relation to our exhibitions.

  • 2022
    Artist Talk: Liesel Burisch + Justin Hunt "Where the real interesting thing happens"

    Thursday 16 June, exhibiting artist Liesel Burisch met Dr. Justin Hunt, researcher in queerness and queer activism, for a conversation, which is now available as a sound file and transcription: Dive into their conversation between academia and lived experience, on the “gaze of friendship” and dream collaborators turned friends, laying the ground of Liesel Burisch’s work, offering anecdotes from private COVID parties, on gender fluid performance and the way all of us are always performing (are we ever truly free to chill, even at parties?), and spaces where we start thinking about what we want to be free to do, instead of what we want to be free from experiencing.

  • 2021
    Psychopathia Sexualis S1E4: When “The Gay Plague” hit Denmark

    In this fourth and final episode we’re discussing how HIV and AIDS were tackled politically and what possible treatments the health system managed to establish. What is a condom really and how was the so-called “condom message” made sexy? Our guest is former specialist doctor and author of the book “Bøssepesten” (“The Gay Plague”) Jan Fouchard who, with a perspective from the very core of the AIDS crisis, tells us about what happened when HIV came to Denmark.

    Psychopathia Sexualis is a podcast created for the exhibition of the same name at O—Overgaden (13 August – 10 October 2021) and is produced by Jan Høgh Stricker and Kasper Vang from The Lake Radio. Host: Mathias Kryger.

  • Psychopathia Sexualis S1E3: The History of Sexuality

    In this episode we dig deeper into the history of sexuality together with professor and sexologist Christian Graugaard. And we ask about how German-Austrian psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing’s clinical forensic study Psychopathia Sexualis from 1886 has influenced the way we understand sexuality and identity.

    Psychopathia Sexualis is a podcast created for the exhibition of the same name at O—Overgaden (13 August – 10 October 2021) and is produced by Jan Høgh Stricker and Kasper Vang from The Lake Radio. Host: Mathias Kryge.

  • Psychopathia Sexualis S1E2 – Who was Niels Nedergaard?

    In this episode of Psychopathia Sexualis we have moved from the radio studio into a large, beautiful art studio in an old soft drink factory at the outer part of Nørrebro in Copenhagen. Artist Viera Collaro took over this space in 1981 together with another artist, Niels Nedergaard, who many points to when asked about the relation between the AIDS crisis and the Danish art scene. He lived openly as gay and died from an AIDS-related disease at the age of 43.

    This story begins in the 1970s at the Royal Danish Academy of Art in Copenhagen where Viera meets Niels for the first time.

    Psychopathia Sexualis is a podcast created for the exhibition of the same name at O—Overgaden (13 August – 10 October 2021) and is produced by Jan Høgh Stricker and Kasper Vang from The Lake Radio. Host: Mathias Kryger.