Open Call
Open Call 2020

Open Call 2020: As a new procedure, artists are explicitly invited to submit an application based on their practice, describing recent and long-term developments, methodologies, and continuous transformations, rather than applying with an already defined exhibition proposal.

Artists are currently invited to apply for solo exhibitions in Autumn/Winter 2021-22. Instead of asking for a specific project fitted to the institution, Overgaden thus concentrates on how to mold the institution to the artistic practice as it develops, adapting to the artistic production’s material changes, conceptual crossroads, unexpected turns, and detours.

In order to secure resources for the changing exhibitions and exhibitors, Overgaden’s Open Call currently centers on solo positions, whether a singular artist’s work, artistic duos, or groups of artists working collectively.

* Please note that due to the current change in Overgaden’s directorship, the guidelines for the Open Call are undergoing changes and the deadline has been pushed to 1 November. In case you have already created an application following the previous guidelines, please mark your application “Project”. Your material will be considered on the same basis as all other applications.