Just in: New publications

O—Overgaden’s new publication series (DA/UK) is produced in relation to our in-house solo exhibitions from 2021 onwards and focuses on new artistic voices, enabling expanded conversations around these to travel as far as possible. Now, these two new editions on the practices and exhibitions of Julie Stavad and Tommy Støckel is here.

O—Overgaden's new publications for the exhibitions by Julie Stavad and Tommy Støckel just arrived.

O—Overgaden’s new publication series (DA/UK) is produced in relation to our in-house solo exhibitions from 2021 onwards and focuses on new artistic voices, enabling expanded conversations around these to travel as far as possible. Now, these two new editions on the practices and exhibitions of Julie Stavad and Tommy Støckel is here.

For Julie Stavad’s publication, you will find an essay by artist Anna Stahn, a conversation between Julie Stavad and curator Ida Schyum and the translated text from the works of the exhibition **I am here for pleasure but it is no fun. In the publication exploring the exhibition by Tommy Støckel, curator Lisa Rosendahl and art critic Nanna Friis each wrote an essay.

The publications can be purchased at the gallery (50 DKK) or downloaded on this website on the "Publication" page for free.

The publication series designed by fanfare also contains a full batch of documentation images and comes with a special, grand fold-out poster as its cover. O—Overgaden has now produced a publication for each of the shows by Carl Mannov, Johanne Rude Lindegaard, Carl Emil Jacobsen, Ida Sønder Thorhauge, Dina El Kaisy Friemuth, Sóley Ragnarsdóttir, Tommy Støckel, and Julie Stavad – all can be purchased at the gallery.
