Rune Søchting, Christian Skjødt, Tobias Lukassen: SummerSounds

In recent years sound art has made its mark as an independent genre. Both in Denmark and abroad an increasing number of artists, musicians and composers have started to work with sound in performative, installational and visual contexts that traverse the traditional boundaries between art forms.

But how can the art institution accommodate these new transaesthetic forms, which often pose a challenge to the classical exhibition format? Over the summer Overgaden tunes into these issues under the title SummerSounds, where we present sound created to be experienced as an exhibition. Three representatives in the field – the sound artists Rune Søchting, Christian Skjødt and Tobias Lukassen – will each compile their own consecutive programme of exhibitions, events and concerts.

rum mål lyd tid
18.06 – 10.07 2016
What role does sound play in the experience of space and the formation of place – and how do spaces and objects ‘speak’? These questions form the thematic point of departure for the first element of the series, curated by Rune Søchting. Through the juxtaposition of three artistic positions, the exhibition establishes a range of points of contact, interferences and translations between architecture, objects and sound, investigating the inseparability of sound from physical presence, as well as the ways in which it can uncover multiple layers of meaning. Participating artists: Cevdet Erek (TR), Ursula Nistrup (DK), Steve Roden (US).


sub- / Christian Skjødt, Vibrant Disturbance IV, 2016. Photo: Torben Eskerod


Vertex / Tobias Lukassen & Andreas Wetterberg, Simplex, 2016. Photo: Anders Sune Berg


rum mål lyd tid / Ursula Nistrup, Pattern of Dissonance, 2016. Wall painting, text. Photo: Anders Sune Berg