Troels Sandegård’s exhibition fills the lower floor of Overgaden with a series of new works that explore the interaction between the human body, the laws of science, and everyday materials like concrete, plastic, salt and glass.
Bodies and Bodies presents both a different take on the portrait genre, and an investigation of the human body’s relationship to its surroundings.
A stalagmite slowly rises from the floor of Overgaden. It is created from a solution with the same chemical composition as the artist’s sweat. The liquid, the quantity of which is calculated on the basis of the moisture the artist’s body releases into his surroundings due to his sheer presence over time, drips down from a glass container leaving salts and minerals as its only trace. A block of concrete with the exact same surface area as Sandegård’s own body is heated to 33 degrees, the same temperature as the human skin, and in a sound piece breathing is made present when the inhalation of breath, which a man and a woman needs to sing each their lullaby, is isolated as a negative impression of the voice.