Please join us on Saturday 16 March, 4–7pm, when Zahna Siham Benamor and the writing circle Nellakredsen invite you to an afternoon of talks, readings, DJ sets, and open bar to kick off their program at O—Overgaden this spring.
This kick-off event and series of spring writing workshops, initiated by poet and performer Zahna Siham Benamor in collaboration with different grassroot communities, are held alongside Zahna Siham Benamor and Apolonia Sokol’s duo exhibition The False Rose of Jericho.
Further workshops by Zahna Siham Benamor will take place during the exhibition period, including on Thursday 18 April in collaboration with Jihaan Yussuf, on two Tuesdays late April with Sofia Cerqueira, and a BIPOC only writer's workshop 20 April, 1-4pm, with Nellakredsen.
Everyone is welcome to join this Saturday’s kick-off event at O—Overgaden. BIPoC folk are extra-specially welcome!
Admission to O—Overgaden is, as always, free.
Find more information about Nellakredsen and the exhibition by Zahna Siham Benamor and Apolonia Sokol in Danish here.