Launch of publications: Helene Nymann & Marie Kølbæk Iversen

Please join us this Thursday 20 October 17.30–19.30h for the launch of our two brand new publications accompanying Marie Kølbæk Iversen’s and Helene Nymann’s current shows. The evening comprises a performance by Kølbæk Iversen and a small concert by Mija Milovic.


17.30–18.30: performance by Marie Kølbæk Iversen
18.00–19.00: presentation of publications and wine
19.00–19.30: concert by Mija Milovic

Marie Kølbæk Iversen will perform a selection of folksongs as part of her music project Donnimaar. The songs will be performed inside Kølbæk Iversen’s exhibition Histories of Predation. Afterwards O—Overgaden invites for a glass of wine while the publications are briefly introduced. The Danish soloist Mija Milovic rounds off the evening with new and old songs, including some from the album With Shadowfax on my Back (2020). Milovic sings from the future with the past on her lips, bending words from across the musical terrain between singer/songwriter and abstract music on a cinematic journey. Mija Milovic is a Danish/Montenegrin musician, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, composer, and producer. She works in a distinct field of music creation and musical collaborations using melodic songwriting, improvisation, theater, and performance as means to create new music, alternative notation methods, and music-as-social outreach.

The performance is free, as is entry to all of O—Overgaden’s exhibitions.

Read more here about the exhibitions Knots of Ecphore and Rovhistorier


Mija Milovic. Photo: Elias Gozal
