Finissage concert + reading

Finissage: Music, sound, and reading by Blue Lake (Jason Dungan) and Shëkufe Tadayoni Heiberg for the exhibition Fungal Network by Felia Gram-Hanssen & Jaleh Negari

Join the finissage concert with music, sound, and reading by Blue Lake (Jason Dungan) and Shëkufe Tadayoni Heiberg for the exhibition Fungal Network by Felia Gram-Hanssen & Jaleh Negari.

On the final day of the current exhibition, we welcome you to a performance of music and words in conjunction with the exhibition Fungal Network, which explores mutual artistic exchange and inter-aesthetic collaboration.

The sound performance begins at 3pm and is free to join.

We hope to see you for the Sunday finissage at O—Overgaden, when we’ll be saying goodbye to three exhibitions. You are also very welcome to join for an introduction to the solo exhibitions by Julie Stavad and Tommy Støckel just before the concert – this begins at 2pm.
