Experience Helene Nymann’s video work Mesh Mother re-enacted in a live dance performance on Sunday 9 October 14.00-14.40h at O—Overgaden.
How does it feel to be connected body to body? And what memories and experiences do we carry with us from an artistic encounter?
Professional dancers Alma Toaspern, Inaja Katharina Skands and Marcus Roydes re-enact the entangled, intuitive dance of the video, accompanied by music composed by Jeppe Brix who also made the sound for the video.
Mesh Mother is an old children’s game in which a group of people get entangled and call on Mesh Mother to dismantle the knot of entangled bodies. The game can also create associations to a foetal state—our earliest, pre-verbal state—or resemble the khipu knots used by the Incas as a tool for remembering, an ancient object from which Nymann draws inspiration to inform her research.
Working with a micro-phenomenological interviewing technique to interview the dancers, Nymann has been researching what it feels like to be connected body to body and which memories and experiences we carry with us from artistic encounters. Through the micro-phenomenological approach, Nymann has developed her own and the dancers’ understanding of the artwork and the experience they have created in the video work Mesh Mother.
The performance is free, as is entry to all of O—Overgaden’s exhibitions.
Read more about Nymann's exhibition Knots of Ecphore here