Group Show: First Floor: Kunstpublikationer 2012
10 May – 26 May 2012

The publication, as a medium, is an important part of the practice of many artists, and despite the increased digitisation of the book medium, recent years have seen a renewed interest in working with the printed book format.

On 11 May, Overgaden draws the curtain to Kunstpublikationer 2012 and it will be the 9th consecutive year that the institution is opening up this burgeoning and unruly subject field.

Overgaden will be hosting an ambitious celebration of artists’ publications over a fortnight, focusing on current trends and tendencies in the field, via curated exhibitions, the annual book fair and events. This year the presentation will cover a rich assortment of do-it-yourself pamphlets, zines from all over the world, graphic goodies, quirky and experimental book formats and printed materials, and artworks where language is unfolded like an organic material.